It's What You Do Page 4
“Let me up please.” He moved his arm and I sat up turning to look at him. He looks like a little boy with messy hair and big blue eyes staring back at me. “I have to use the restroom.” I stood and stretched, moving to do my business. When I came back out, he was still laying on his side only he took his shirt off. What else he took off was the question flying through my head.
“Are you coming back to bed? It’s only 6:32AM.” He smiled, “Come here.” He patted the spot I just got up from. Dammit, he was fucking sexy as hell. I made my way back into bed and shivered. “Are you cold?”
“A little.” I admit as Noah snuggled up against my back again, hard on and all.
“Sorry about that. I have a sexy girl in my bed, he may not descend his throne.” That was the first time he had even attempted to say anything about sex let alone mention the fact he has a hard on because he was attracted to me too.
“You’re a guy, it happens.” I giggle before snuggling my head into the pillow. We both fell asleep again and woke up again to someone banging on the door. I open my eyes and notice it is bright as hell through the gap in his dark tan curtains.
“Yo, G, let’s go man. Breakfast dude.” I hear someone yelling and then I hear Noah groaning behind me.
“He’s not going away, is he?” Noah’s voice was impeccably deep in the morning and damn it was a turn on.
“Nope.” I giggled as I felt Noah unwrap himself from me and stomp over to his door.
Opening the door, I quickly covered my head upon hearing Josh’s voice. “Dude, let’s go. Jensen told me to tell you it is Buffet day.”
“Nah man, go without me.” Noah turned down food? That is something I never thought I’d hear.
“Oh shit dude, you got company in there?” I hear Josh’s evil laugh, “Well by all means buddy, I’ll see ya later.”
I hear Noah set the lock and a second later I was attacked by a six-foot three playful Big. “Well according to the soccer team, we’ve just officially slept together.” He laughed as he rolled over me and onto his side of the bed.
“Well, how was I?” I winked.
“Amazing.” Noah propped himself up on his side. “This is new for me.” I watch him bite his lower lip from nerves or embarrassment I wasn’t sure.
“What is?” I stretch and yawn causing a chain reaction with him.
“In twenty-one years, I’ve never had someone stay over.” I took that comment and ran to left field with it. Has he never had a girl stay over? Based on his impressive hardness, I no longer thought he was gay. Then there was the almighty question…how may girls has he slept with and why have they never stayed over?
“Yeah? How did that work out for you last night?” I smile, rubbing at my eyes, hoping that make-up did not smear all over my face.
“I may be addicted, but it could be that it was you.” He reached out and cupped my face with his left hand as he slowly descended his face towards mine. I helped him out and met him halfway as I let my lips lightly press into his. The connection was there as we found our groove and it was freaking awesome. Noah kept his distance with his body, only scooting over enough to keep his head above mine and never made a move beyond making out. His left arm was resting behind my neck, keeping my head tilted perfectly for him. His right arm rested along my left bicep, his thumb drawing circles on my skin. I let him lead and kept my hands PG. I ran my right hand up and down his back while my left sat on his right arm. It really had me puzzled, I was in his bed, I was laying almost underneath him and nothing, not even an attempt at copping a feel.
Noah pressed his forehead to mine and I opened my eyes to see sapphires staring back at me. “What are you doing today?” He asked before placing the cutest kiss on my nose his noticeable erection firmly pressed against my leg.
“Nothing I should be.” I winked, hoping to urge him on a little.
“Spend the day with me? I have to leave with the team for an away game at 5 tonight and I won’t be home until Sunday.” He looked so hopeful.
“Okay.” I smile and he crashed his lips on mine for a few more hours of making out before both our stomachs declined to be ignored any more.
When we finally crawled out of bed, I went to see what I could do with my hot mess of hair and looked in the mirror. “Holy fuck.” I whispered. My hair was a fuzzy disaster and my lips were so red and swollen, I wouldn’t need anything on them for at least a week, but it all made me smile because that was from Noah. After taking water to my hair and washing my face, I was without make-up, but presentable. I just needed to stop at my car and grab a few things- like deodorant.
Noah was making his bed when I walked out of the bathroom. “I thought if I made my bed, we wouldn’t crawl back in it.”
“Good thought.” I walked up behind him and put my arms around his waist pressing my cheek to his sculptured back that one day I will fully appreciate with my tongue. I felt him take a deep breath before turning around and pulling me against him before lifting me up, holding me face level, and giving me the sweetest of kisses. What started sweet quickly became ravenous when he backed me up to the small piece of available wall by his bathroom door. I wrapped my legs around his waist while his firm, warm lips traced a trail of kisses down my chin, to my neck, and up again. I ran my fingers through his hair giving it a slight tug earning myself a sexy little growl. “Jesus, Taryn. I already can’t get enough of you.” I pull his head to mine opening my mouth, granting Noah access to explore any part of me he wanted. He moved for a split second and I started to slide down his body. When he pulled me back up and I readjusted my legs, I could feel his hard dick sitting right along the fold of my jeans. “Um.” He pulls back, kissing my nose.
“Ready to go eat? I just have to stop at my car first.” I lift my eyebrows giving us both an out. I know I have been horny as hell but there is nothing about this guy I do not like and I’d like to do this right.
Placing me on my feet, “Yeah.” He handed me my shoes before slipping his on and leading us to his door. “I can’t promise you that walking out of this room is going to go smoothly. The guys can be assholes.”
“Thank you for being so sweet, but I’m already aware. Full disclosure- I used to date Josh my freshman year and I’m ashamed to admit that I have slept in this building before.” I watched his face for a reaction and got what I expected and more. His face turned red for a moment before finally coming back to its natural color.
“He is such a dick to me. He thinks I took his position, he flat out lost it. I just put up with him for team morale.” He hung his head for a second. “I heard you mention that the other night. I honestly just ignored it.” He shrugged his shoulders and smiled.
“He is a dick. When I wouldn’t sleep with him, he spread all kinds of nasty rumors. It was Izzy who set the record straight, that’s when we became friends.” I watched the relief settle over Noah when my last comment processed. When he finally figured out that we had only messed around, he released the breath he was holding. “Now whatever the soccer team knows is Josh’s side.”
“Well darlin’, as I said, I’m apologizing now for whatever happens between now and the next five minutes downstairs.” He kissed the top of my head and opened his door. We made it downstairs and almost out the door when I heard the catcalls, followed by ‘way to go G’. I rolled my eyes at Noah and exited the dorm.
Neither of us had Friday classes so I took it upon myself to kidnap him until he had to leave. It was really warm today so I opted to take him to Dawgies, a phenomenal hot dog shop that is only open during the summer, and down to Headlands Beach to hang out. We spent the afternoon lounging on the pebbled beach and taking walks along the shore, kicking at the water and tripping over the rocks. It was the most fun I have had in a long time. Noah was used to the water, growing up along the Gulf Coast and said that the water along Surfside Beach resembled Lake Erie and not the crystal-clear beaches I thought it would twin with.
“Why didn’t I just say ‘hi’ on Monday? Then I would have had two more days ha
nging out with you.” I said out loud and immediately regretted sounding so needy. So, I called myself out on it. “That sounded terribly smothering.” I shrug my shoulders and gave a goofy grin.
Noah grabbed my hand, “It’s okay. I was thinking why I didn’t introduce myself Monday when you scooted past me. It wasn’t like I didn’t notice you.” He kissed the back of my hand. “I actually looked for you Monday.” I can’t help the big smile that spread across my face when what I had hoped for Monday was reality.
“Are you nervous for your game tomorrow?” I changed the subject from the mushy stuff.
“It’s my first game starting for the Storm. Last week, at the home game, I sat on my ass on the sidelines. It was excruciating.” He stopped and sat down pulling me down to sit between his legs. I could get used to this cuddling stuff he is so good at. “I just found that my new favorite hobby is holding you. You fit against me.”
“Oh my God. You’re a mushy guy.” I smacked his thighs. “Don’t keep saying that kind of stuff. It could make me fall for you.” I laughed, playing off my brutal honesty.
“Isn’t that the point, darlin’?” He kissed the side of my head and I fell in love right there and then.
I drove Noah back to NEC around 4PM so he could pack his gear and stuff he needed for the game. It was 4:30PM before he let go of me to head upstairs. He invited me in which I politely declined because I knew I’d make him late for the bus. I didn’t head right home though, I pit stopped at Izzy’s dorm.
I walked into her room and collapsed on her bed, hand on my heart. “I’m in love.”
“How was he? I know you spent the night hooker! Josh told everyone.” She came over and laid down beside me smoothing out her comforter of her unmade bed.
“Did you guys fuck on this?” I sit up looking at her crumpled sheets shoved off the side of the small twin bed.
“Um.” I jump up and take a seat in her desk chair. “Um.”
“Jesus Izzy is there anywhere?” I ask laughing yet mortified as I look around her room.
“The papasan chair is clear. We haven’t figured it out.” She laughs and I curl into the large pink cushion of the bowl style chair.
“So about what Josh said.” She curled up on her stomach with her butterfly cased pillow.
“I’m sure he did.” I growled. “I still wouldn’t know how he is in bed but he sure can kiss.” I close my eyes and I can picture him and his manliness.
“Awe, baby steps.” She puts her hands over her heart mocking my cuteness.
“Does it always suck this bad when they have an away game?” I ask, adjusting myself to a sitting position. “I never really cared when Josh left.”
“Yeah, just wait til you hear about the girls from other schools hitting on them. It will drive you nuts.” Izzy got up and patted my hand. “Want to go out tonight? We can go shoot pool or something?”
“I have to work tomorrow twelve til eight so we cannot stay out all night.” I say knowing damn well how Izzy can be. Meanwhile she wags her eyebrows at me in understanding.
“Tell Mommy you are staying here with me tonight.” She danced around and started rumbling through her closet in search of something for us to wear.
Izzy decided that Club 9 was a must tonight with its’ cosmic pool tables on Friday nights, DJ, and ladies’ night $1 drafts. We took an Uber to the club after my mother gave me the thirty-minute ‘don’t drink and drive’ speech, right after I got the ‘you haven’t been home’ speech. I’m ready for a damn beer. I get so frustrated because I was fifteen almost seven years ago. I got this adult thing…well so far.
“This place is packed.” Izzy scooted through the door after the bouncer scanned her ID. “Want to get a table now?” You have to get tables assigned or you will never get a chance to play.
“Sure.” I yelled over the music as we made our way up to the bar. After grabbing a table number and a few beers we started chalking up our cues. Pool is something that Izzy and I enjoyed. We have been coming to Club 9 for over two years now and in my opinion, we have gotten pretty good. Unfortunately, this is how I met Izzy on my first date with Josh. Luckily, Josh and Jensen taught us fairly well how to play the game, even cutthroat.
“I can’t help but think you look a lot like my next girlfriend.” This slurring voice said in my ear as I turned around to see a guy with a CSU hat on. He was okay looking with brown eyes, a decent body, and a great smelling cologne but he was no Storm Soccer Striker.
“Does that line work for you?” I laugh before missing my shot as Izzy walks over and grabs the drunk’s attention.
“Hey, frat boy, she’s taken. Move along.” Izzy used her cue to stab him in the belly as she took her shot.
“Fuck you, prude.” The guy turned around and endured his friends laughing at him as he went back to his table.
“Am I a prude Taryn?” She questioned before leaning over the table, ass high in the air, taking her next shot.
“Not at all dear.” I laughed taking a pull from my Bud Light and grabbing the attention of the drunk guys friend. I returned his smile before pretending to miss my next shot. “Hey Iz, want to make some money?” I smiled when she nodded, our eyes creating a story to be told.
It was just before 11PM when I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I had at least five or six bud lights and was shooting a great game with my partner who thought it was a good idea to keep hustling some guys for money by playing ‘we are the dumb college girls’ who don’t know how to play. We flirted a little, bending over here, leaning over the table there, knowing we looked good, before finally shooting them down and taking their fifty bucks. I remembered shortly after that my phone had went off and saw a text from Noah.
N 10:58PM: Hey darlin’ made it to Michigan
Me 11:42PM: ??
N: What are you up to?
Me: Playing pool with Izzy at Club 9
I didn’t hear back from him right away. I did, however, see Izzy pulling out her phone and getting pissed at it. “Did you tell Noah where we were?” She asked, showing me the text from Jensen which read Make sure you go with Taryn followed by I know how you get when beer is cheap.
Me: Are you rooming with Jensen?
N: Yeah, why?
Me: He’s texting Izzy too
“Why does he act like that? You’ve been together for over two years now. He knows you are not going anywhere.” I get all team Izzy on his ass as I feel my phone vibrate. “They are rooming together. I’m sorry Izzy.”
“It’s fine!” She puts her cue stick away and heads towards the bar. “I need a drink and someone cute to hit on.”
N: Be careful and text me when you get home so I know you are safe please
Me: I’m staying with Izzy on campus and we Ubered here ??
N: Good b/c I’d like to see you when I get home ??
Me: You will. Good luck tomorrow, Striker!
N: ??
That was the last I heard from Noah. I assumed because they had an early game followed by an evening game tomorrow. I spent the next two hours drinking at the long horseshoe shaped bar and listening to Izzy bitch about Jensen as they fought via text. “Ugh, why is he such an ass?” She polished off her beer. Isabelle can be a handful when she drinks and that is half their problem. She went to order another round when I asked for water. “You’re quitting on me?” She looks pissed off, swinging her long blonde hair over her shoulder to create a curtain between us.
“No, I can’t see straight.” I giggled causing a chain reaction sending Izzy into a giggle fit of her own as she turned back towards me. I was okay, buzzed yes, drunk no but Izzy was full out drunk. I rest my elbows on the bar. It was going to be a long night.
“You sound adorable Taryn.” A deep voice said from behind me.
I turn to see who knew me and found Josh’s brother Mason. “Hey Mason, how are you?” I ask with numb lips as he reaches in for a side hug placing a kiss on my cheek. “Take a seat.” I offer the seat next to me.
/> Mason took me up on my offer. “I’m pretty good. How long have you two been here?” He asked pointing to Izzy as I watched Izzy throw her phone on the bar only to turn and chat up the guys next to her.
“A few hours, I think.” I look at my phone and it is 1:17AM. Shit! Turning to Izzy, “Hey, we need to call an Uber, it’s after 1AM!” Slurring through her words, I manage to hear an okay from her as I open the app.
“I’ve only had one and maybe a third. I can drive you ladies home to campus. I just came up to say hi before I left. I was looking for Hilary. She’s ignoring me again.” Mason said of his girlfriend.
“I haven’t seen her and I’ve been here awhile.” I inform him noticing his hand resting on the back of my barstool.
“Finish your drinks. I’ll switch to water.” He waves down the bartender.
“I don’t have.” I went to say a drink when the two lemon drop shots were placed in front of us.
“Courtesy of the guy at the end of the bar.” The cute bartender who I knew for a fact was gay, pointed to the guy at the end of the bar. It was the guy I smiled at when we were playing pool.
“Oooh.” Izzy picked up the shot glass. “Don’t mind if we do.” I smile at Mason and lift the small glass but not before putting sugar on my lemon wedge.
We ended up accepting his offer for a ride. It would save money that’s for sure and considering we have only paid $10 for our table tonight, I’d say we made a good profit playing against the guys from CSU.
Mason was a perfect gentleman, practically carrying Izzy to his car and laying her in the backseat as she passed out. “Thanks a lot, Mason. I am not sure how I would have gotten her anywhere.” I said after buckling up in the front seat of his Toyota Camry.
“Anytime. So, what is she drinking away tonight?” He asked as he took a right and headed back towards campus.
“She was arguing with Jensen because Noah must have told him we were at Club 9.” I rolled my eyes, not that he would have seen that.
“Ah, yes, I heard you were shacking up with the new striker these days.” I punched his arm and he laughed at me. “You know I’m just teasing. If my brother lost his prized position, it’s because drinking and partying are more important than soccer and school.”